DELTA Conference 2019-2020
September 16, 2019
To: New/Provisional Agricultural Education Teachers
From: Joshua Bledsoe, State Agricultural Education Leader
RE: Agricultural Education 40-Hour New Teacher Induction (DELTA) 2019-20
This information is for Agricultural Education Teachers with 0-5 years of experience.
The 2019-20 Developing Educational Leaders and Teachers of Agriculture (DELTA) program meets the DPI-sponsored requirement for provisionally licensed Career Technical Education teachers and is designed for provisionally licensed/lateral entry licensed Agricultural Education teachers. This conference will also benefit newly certified teachers. Please see the schedule information listed below. Teachers must attend all five DELTA components to meet the requirement of the 40-Hour New Teacher Induction Program. The DELTA program is coordinated by the Agricultural Education faculty at North Carolina State University. Certificates of attendance will be provided and a certificate of completion of the 40 Hour New Teacher Induction will be provided upon completion of all five components.
Agricultural Education DELTA Components:
- Regional Fall In-Service Meetings - teachers should attend their respective Agricultural Education Fall Regional In-service Meeting during the months of September and October. The schedule is available online at:
- Agricultural Education DELTA Conference Part I – December 13-14, 2019, at the North Carolina FFA Center in White Lake (lodging is included on the evening of December 12)
- Agricultural Education DELTA Conference Part II – March 13-14, 2020, at the North Carolina FFA Center in White Lake (lodging is included on the evening of March 12)
- Regional Spring In-Service Meetings - teachers should attend their respective Agricultural Education Spring Regional In-service Meeting during the months of February and March. The schedule is available online at:
- New and Beginning Teacher Workshop at Summer Agricultural Education Conference in July (Greensboro, NC)
Registration forms for the two sessions conducted at the North Carolina FFA Center are attached to this letter. Please note the registration deadlines as well as the fee for each conference. The registration fee for each teacher includes lodging, meals, and materials. Registration fees must be paid prior to conference participation. Teachers of previous 40 hour induction workshops that have missed either Part I or Part II can register for only the parts needed for completion. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions.