Professional Development

Professional Development opportunities offered throughout the year for North Carolina agricultural education teachers across the state.

State Officer Webinars

10/20/20 - FFA Opportunities  Video
11/17/20 - Leadership & Employability Skills  Video
12/15/20 - Award Applications  Video

2020-2021 Agricultural Education Collaboration Stations

9/30/20 Update  Video  |  Chat Log
3/23/21 Statewide Ag Ed In-Service  Video  |  PowerPoint8/20/2020 Middle School Agricultural Education  Video  |  Chat Log
8/27/2020 Engaging FFA Members Virtually  Video  |  Chat Log
9/10/2020 Next Steps with Canvas  Video
9/17/2020 Ag Mechanics Virtual Instruction  Video  |  Chat Log
9/24/2020 Using the AET to Implement SAE for All with Roger Hanagriff  Video
10/1/2020 Animal Science Virtual Instruction  Video  |  Chat Log
10/8/2020 Plant Science Virtual Instruction  Video  |  Chat Log
10/15/2020 Agriscience Applications Virtual Instruction  Video  |  Chat Log
10/22/2020 Online Resources to Implement SAE for All  Video  |  Chat Log
11/5/2020 Natural Resources Virtual Instruction  Video  |  Chat Log  |  L. Loflin Resources  |  J. Lough Resources
11/9/2020 Teaching Leadership and Employability Skills  Video  |  Chat Log
11/19/2020 Animal Science II Small Animal and Vet Assisting Virtual Instruction  Video  |  Chat Log
12/3/2020 Sustainable Agricultural Production Virtual Instruction  Video  |  Chat Log
12/10/2020 Completing Award and Degree Applications  Video  |  Chat Log