MEGA Conference | Cultivate Character


Cultivate Character

Welcome to the character concentration of the 2021 NC FFA Virtual MEGA Conference! This year's State Officer team and State Staff have put together tons of helpful information to help us reach maximum potential throughout our FFA journey and beyond. The State Officers have prepared two workshops for us to participate in to help identify qualities of honorable character as well as help us through difficult decisions and what steps we need to become successful. Get ready to grow and learn with the State Officers as we discover how our character shapes us as individuals!

Workshop 3: Qualities of Character

The question of character arises when looking into team dynamics and personal reflection, but often we are conflicted as to what it actually means. There are several qualities that make up our character and in this workshop we will dig into what they are and how they apply to us. 

Workshop 4: Thoughtfulness in Decision-Making

According to neuroscientists, we make around 35,000 decisions a day. But, what all do we take into consideration when making these decisions? During this workshop, we will learn how to make thoughtful and responsible decisions individually and as a team.